Which Side Of the Wealthy Life Equation Are You On?

Having loads of money; having assets pumping out cash and growth for you, having loads of toys, beautiful homes and shopping wherever tickles your fancy does not necessarily mean you will experience living a wealthy, meaningful life.

This isn’t one of those finger wagging, â€śyou can’t take it with you” type of posts – hell no!

It is equally impossible to experience a joyful, wealthy life if you have no money, no assets working hard for you, if you are anxious and worried about  your safety and well-being, if you don’t have a place to call home or feel significantly constrained in your choices due to lack of money.

Having the money and asset side of your wealth equation in place is a given. What I’m talking about is turning financial well-being into wealth, and for this to happen you need to master the Four Laws Of Wealth which I cover in detail in The Wealth Chef book

In this video I expand on Wealth Law 1 – The Law of Cause and Effect.

Go watch the video here – Which Side Of the Wealthy Life Equation Are You On?

On my own journey to Financial Freedom and as my wealthy life journey  of discovery continues I am reminded that we are constantly being given the choice of two paths we can take.

The easy path or the difficult path. 

The irony is…

The easy path is the path of no challenge, no growth.

Pick the difficult path, and you’ll create a wealthy life worth living.

Let’s look at the Easy Path

This is the road of â€śI’m not responsible for the results in my life.”

Look at the current economy, you could say “I can’t make money because I am not responsible for the current economy and the volatility of the stock market and high unemployment”; yet some people are making more money now than ever.

The Easy Path is the path where people say;

“I would have… if only…”

This is all about the 1st LAW OF WEALTH: Cause & Effect - Click here to learn the true meaning behind being at Cause or being at Effect.


Consider someone you know who is not enjoying their life at present – which side of the equation are they living on?

  • I am overweight because I’ve got a thyroid problem
  • I am poor because I came from a poor family
  • I can’t invest because my partner keeps spending our money

If you chose the easy path and live at effect; you have given away your personal power. Being at effect is making someone else responsible for your feelings therefore they need to change before you can feel differently. 

Do you see the awful trap?

Most people try and change the event. This is outside of themselves and something you have no control of.  When you try and do this you are on the wrong side of the equation C>E.

When people give excuses or talk about the results (because) – the cause is placed wrongly outside of themselves.

Let’s look at the following…

I am bulimic because I was abused as a child.

If this is true, then it means this person will always be bulimic until they are no longer abused as a child! You can never escape.

This is what this means, and I don’t know about you, but I don’t like it.

See the difference if you get on the other side of the equation:

Because I was abused as a child I… infinite possibilities open up.

Let’s look at another example.

I am poor because I came from a poor family.

This means I will always be poor until I no longer grew up with poor parents.

Now switch that around and get on the other side of the C>E equation.

Because I grew up with a poor family I … infinite possibilities open up.

Once you’ve had a chance to watch the video, I’d love to hear from you.

Where in your life have you – in the past – been living at cause and now changing the equation what new options are being revealed to you?

Please share with us your thoughts and discoveries, email us on support@thewealthchef.com - I absolutely love hearing from our tribe!!

It is something that fills my cup tremendously. 

With huge love


Wealth Made Simple.

Finally , the way to your wealthy life laid out in clear, straightforward steps Know where you are, where you need to be and how to get there in this powerful 5 day course.